"Hey, I'm Kristian, professional photographer since 2008, I'll capture your beauty in artful images forever."
“Even as a 3-year-old, I used my grandpa's camera...” and ‘I went to photography school’ No, I can't tell you that. And that's a good thing.
I didn't get into photography until I was 32 and it was one of the luckiest coincidences in my life.
No photographic training, no photography studies, no photo seminar, no photo internship. Instead, perception, conscious seeing, a love of creativity, a feeling for aesthetics and beauty and a curiosity about human beings.
I have been honored and fortunate to have received the following awards:
Finalist "Deutschlands bester Fotograf", Kategorie "Ästhetischer Akt", 2010, 2011 und 2012 (Leserrang 1)
Sieger "Deutschlands bester Fotograf", Kategorie "black&white", 2012
nominiert für den internationalen "eros award 2011"
nominiert für den internationalen "black&white spider award", 2012
Doppel-Sieg beim internationalen "eros award
2012" 1. Platz in der Kategorie professional "erotic, provocative,
sensual" und 1. Platz in der Kategorie professional "lines, curves,
nominiert für den internationalen "Photography Masters Cup 2013", Kategorie "Professional, Nude"
Sieger Leservoting "Akt und Erotik" digitalphoto 2013
nominiert für "Fotograf des Jahres 2013" (digitalphoto)
3. Sieger ("honor of distinction", professionals) beim internationalen "black&white spider award", 2013
Goldmedaillen-Gewinner "Photo Art Championchip 2013"
Finalist "Zebra Award (Black and White Photographer of the Year 2014, Fine Art)"
Platz 1 "Fotograf des Jahres 2014" (Akt & Erotik, digitalphoto)
"Fine Art Photography Awards", 2015, 2nd winner in NUDES Professional
2-fach nominiert für den "black&white spider award" 2015
"international photographer of the year 2015 (ipoty)" Honorable Mention, professionals nude
Nominee in Nude "black&white spider award" 2016
Winner "One Eyeland Photography Awards" 2016, Fine Art Nude Bronze
"10th International Color Awards", Honorable Mention, Nudes
"Monovisions Award 2017", Honorable Mention, Nudes
nominiert für "Black&White Spider Awards 2017", Nudes
3rd Place Winner in Nudes Professional "CHROMATIC
Finalist "One Eyeland Photography Awards" 2018, Fine Art Nude
nominiert für "Black & White Spider Award", 2018
Gewinner "Germany´s TOP 10 Black & White Photographer nude2018" One Eyeland
Silber-Medaille "World´s TOP 10 Black & White Photographer nude 2018" One Eyeland
Gewinner GOLD-Medaille "TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2018, black&white"(weltweiter Wettbewerb mit 123.000 Fotos aus 117 Ländern; pro Fotograf*in/Kategorie maximal 4 Fotoeinreichungen)
Nominee at the "12th Annual International Color Awards", Nudes - Professional
"Fine Art Photography Awards", 2020, Nude professional finalist
Selected Photographer "Urban 2020 Photography Awards", street
Fotograf des Jahres 2020 "street" (digitalphoto), 2. Platz
1. Platz "Germany´s TOP 10 black and white photographer 2020" One Eyeland
Silber-Medaille "World´s TOP-10 black and white photo contest 2020 - nude" One Eyeland
nominiert für ""Black & White Spider Awards, 2020 , nude professionals"
Bronze-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards - fine art nudes, 2020"
Silber-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards - fine art nudes, 2020"
"35awards" selected top photographer, street life in bright colors, 2021
Gewinner GOLD-Medaille "TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2021, streets&paths" (größter Wettbewerb der Welt mit 130.000 Fotos aus 120 Ländern; pro Fotograf*in/Kategorie maximal 4 Fotoeinreichungen)
Finalist "PhotoShoot Awards, NUDE 2021, body parts"
1st place "6TH 35AWARDS, Nude 18+ - Viewers Choice, 2021" (unter 26.200 Fotograf*innen aus 173 Ländern)
Honorable Mention - Black & White Nude Photo of the Year 2021 "Monovisions Award 2021", Nude
1st place - Black & White Nude Photo of the Year 2021 "Monovisions Award 2021", Nude
1st place "One Eyeland Awards "Germany´s Top 10 Black & White Photographer 2021"
Silber-Medaille "One Eyeland Awards "WORLD´s Top 10 Black & White Photographer 2021, nude"
2 fach Auszeichnung "Honorable Mention"
- " Black & White Spider Awards, 2021", nude professionals
Platinum Winner "MUSE Photography Awards 2023", nudes professional
Nominee "Color Awards 2023", nudes professional
3 Gold Awards "London Photography Awards 2023", nudes professional
Bronze Award "PX3 - Prix de la Photographie, Paris", fine art nudes
Platinum Award "European Photography Awards 2023", fine art nudes professional
"Great Photo Award 2023", honorable mention, nudes
"35awards - black and white nude 2023" best of contest
3 x "IPA 2023" Official Selection, 1 honorable mention, fine art nudes
2nd winner and honorable mention, "Black & White Spider Awards", 2023", nude professionals
Finalist, World´s Top 10 Photographer Black and White - One Eyeland 2023", nudes professional
Gold-Award "One Eyeland Awards 2023 - fine art nudes, professional"
Nominee "Color Awards 2024", nudes professional
Gold Winner, "Global Photography Award 2024", professionals mix media
from 2025 no active participation in photo competitions, but work as a juror for the European Photography Awards
Editorial reports
View Stern
digital photo
c´t Fotografie
Handwerk Magazin
US Times Now
View Stern
digital photo
c´t Fotografie
Handwerk Magazin
US Times Now
Gazette Berlin
Magazin just.bocholt
Rheinische Post
Gazette Berlin
Magazin just.bocholt
Rheinische Post
Juror of the “European Photography Awards”
After my nomination at the end of 2024, in January 2025 I had the great honor of being appointed by the “IAA Judging Committee” as a juror for the prestigious EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD. Since then, together with other jurors, I have been allowed to review and evaluate the photos submitted to this European photo and evaluate them. Happiness and joy!
Press reviews
"A true master in the field of nude photography is photographer Kristian Liebrand. His work is characterized by unique creativity. There the nudity almost becomes a minor matter. His photography is extraordinary, his images leave room for the viewer's imagination."
stern-Magazin, 09/2017
"Kristian Liebrand works with high artistic standards, to give expression to a woman. His works are a harmonious composition of light, shadow, creativity and unusual perspectives. perspectives. Stylishly he stages his models and creates thus worlds between elegant seduction and erotic charm - artistic light pictures light pictures, which captivate the viewer.“ just.bocholt-Magazin, 10/2010
"Kristian Liebrand is one of the best German nude photographers. A man with ideas, taste and feeling.“ Berliner Kurier, 07/2019
"Kristian Liebrand is a nude photographer from Bochum, who attracts attention not only with his professional professional works, but also with free projects, which he implements both creative as well as technical at the highest level." digitalphoto Magazin, 10/2020
"The nude photographer Kristian Liebrand has made a name for himself through his extraordinary image ideas made an international name [...]
are fabulous photographs that show a new, unprecedented facet of artistic nude photography." PRINZ-Magazin, 12/2011
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
Fotoausstellung Aktfotografie / Fine Nude Art Exhibition
2011: Dance-Club Adiamo, Oberhausen
2011: Fitness First, Bocholt
2011: Fitness First, Osnabrück"
2011: Holmes Place, Düsseldorf, Provinzialplatz
2012: Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, Adagio, März 2012
2012: Oberhausen, Dance-Club Adiamo
2012: Hamburg, Galerie 36 - Große Freiheit 36
2013: "Goldrausch", Oberhausen
2013: "more than nude" - Wanderausstellung (moving art) in Köln und Düsseldorf
2013: Galerie Long Island City, New York
2013: Galerie Merikon, Wien
2014: "The Modern Nude", The Brick Lane Gallery, London
2014: Times Square, New York
2014: "Sinneswandel", Bochum
2015: Wasser spendet Leben" - stilwerk Dortmund
2016: Foto Galerie Hartlauer am Pöstlingberg in Linz
2016: Vernissage "GIESERS Kalender 2017" in Bocholt
2020: Museo Civico del Territorio di Cormòns (Gorizia), "urban 2020 photography award"
2022: Charity-Vernissage "Nude for Nature - think green!", historischer Bahnhof am Zoo in Wuppertal
2023 Neues Rathaus Linz, Österreich
2023 Galerie24b, Paris
2024 SWISSARTEXPO, Zürich/ Switzerland
2025 Sensual Charity, Luxemburg
2025 Art Expo, Barcelona
born 1973
Wedding photographer from 2005 to 2008
Nude photo studio in Bocholt from 2008 to 11/2015
New building photo studio in Bochum, opened 01/2016
Publisher of various nude photography picture books.
private and commercial customers from all over Germany and abroad (Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, England...)
founder of the charity projects "With a bathtub against poverty in Africa" and "Mutspenden - fight against blood cancer" as well as "www.nude-for-nature.de" (more than 35,000 € collected donations)
bookable for photo shoots worldwide
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