​Environmental protection in the photo studio & ecological commitment as a photographer 

​Ecological responsibility & green commitment has been a high priority for me for about 10 years.

10 trees are planted per shoot. Each tree binds on average about 10 kg CO₂ per year. The photo shoot and image processing cause emissions of about 75 to 100 kg of CO₂. The trees donated per shoot compensate for this within 1 year at the latest. The trees will live for more than 40 years, so in total more CO₂ will be sequestered than was emitted. Donations will be made to WWF, plant-for-the-planet and OneTreePlanted, which together have planted more than 20 million trees worldwide.

In addition, €10 per shoot will be donated to a certified environmental organization such as WWF, Greenpeace or NABU.

The energy for this website, the photo shoots and the image processing is provided by 100% green electricity. The energy for heating (hot water & heating) comes from the waste heat of the neighbouring industry through cogeneration technology and is CO₂ neutral. 

​In the new construction of my photo studio, highly insulating building elements were used, which are significantly better than the low energy regulations.

The lighting is provided by energy-saving LED bulbs. Wherever it makes sense, motion detectors ensure that light is only turned on when it is actually needed.

An outdoor area of about 320 square meters has been landscaped with wild plants and trees. Indoors, many indoor plants provide a good climate.

Bicycles and public transportation are used for as many trips as possible.

Paper consumption has been reduced to almost zero through digitalization. Paper from unsolicited advertising is minimized by registering with the Robinson list. The printing of photo books and photo canvases is outsourced to CO2-neutral companies.

Online orders (where not available locally) are only placed with suppliers who offer carbon neutral shipping.

Please have a look at my environmental protection photo project.