Lights on - self-doubt off! A nude shooting brings the most beautiful sides into the light and puts self-criticism in the shade. Learn to love yourself.
My 360 square meter photo studio offers you so many possibilities with its different backdrops and props that you will hardly find in another photo studio. Here everything is arranged for a perfect shooting. You can find more information about the photo studio here.
You can expect an exciting day, which you may only know from professional models from television. Here everything revolves around you. The whole day. Without time limit. Get out of your everyday life and into a new experience that will increase your self-esteem.
In a relaxed atmosphere we first discuss your photo wishes and I present you different motif scenarios.
I offer you lingerie photos, boudoir photos, pin-up photos, body landscapes, body paintings, aesthetic erotic photos and classic classic nude photos in just one photo shoot.
For a great glamour look, you can have make-up and styling done by an experienced make-up artist here in the photo studio. This way you start your shooting day completely relaxed.
Only high-quality brand products are used brand products that are optimally matched to your type. If desired your own products can also be used.
The scope includes the styling of the hair (including straightening, waves or curls) and facial make-up. Optionally eyelashes can be thickened or lengthened for the shooting day (not permanent).
So you get a perfectly coordinated look for the photo shoot. If you prefer to do your own makeup, that is of course also possible.
My make-up artists have completed a seminar for salon hygiene and disinfection according to the highest applicable industry standards and were externally certified in April 2020 after successful examination.
Let yourself be surprised how a professional make-up can emphasize your beauty according to your type without alienating you. A trained make-up artist will advise you and emphasize your beauty - from subtle to strong - just as you like. If desired, also with a non-permanent eyelash extension / thickening.
Whether curly, wavy or straightened, my hairstylist will conjure up a great hairstyle for you with volume and shine.
Light, perspective and pose determine the image. You will be surprised how photogenic you can be.
No one is perfect and no one is born a model. You do NOT have to have a model figure or flawless skin for nude photos.
Trust in my experience and the art, even the the "woman next door" with her small or larger "blemishes "blemishes" look like a model. You will get very concrete posing tips from me, how you can present yourself in a particularly advantageous way. Of course you will not be not touched,.
With the right perspective and lighting problem zones" can be hidden and your beauty can be emphasized. emphasize your beauty.
Thus, photos are created that let you literally appear in a whole new light.
The is quite normal and should not worry you. Most of my customers have never had a professional photo shoot and certainly not unclothed. This is exactly what I adjust - to your feeling, your ability and desire and your ideas. Completely without time stress or pressure.
You can do nothing wrong. I explain everything to you, show you the first the first results and will not overtax you.
You will lose your nervousness faster than you think nervousness and feel comfortable in front of the camera. This is my promise.
How much skin you show is of course up to you. You can also wear lingerie.
Whether you are naked or not, is for me after after about 1,000 nude photo shoots I have done, there is no particular difference.
You can also read the experiences of my customers in my guestbook.
Accompanying person
A person of your confidence (from 18 years) may accompany you in principle. However, experience has shown that it is better to participate in the photo shoot without an escort, although I can understand that an escort may find such a photo shoot interesting.
The accompanying person can stay in the open styling/break lounge immediately adjacent to the sets, but not in the photo backdrops, so that you and I can work undisturbed.
You can, of course, take the accompanying person with you without "signing up".
As long as the Corona pandemic is current, escorts will not have access to the studio.
TIP for accompanying persons:
The RUHR-PARK, which is only 5 minutes away, offers many possibilities to spend the day e.g. with cinema, shopping, gastronomy or wellness.
Immediately after the shooting you can look at the photos on a beamer screen and select your desired images.
The finally selected photos you will receive within a few days processed as a digital file in full original resolution (45 megapixels, sufficient for large format developments). You will receive all rights of use for the selected photos for your own private purposes (or by agreement for commercial purposes) and you can have additional prints or e.g. canvas pictures, a photo book, a nude calendar etc. created at a photo lab of your choice at a reasonable price.
All selected photos will be professionally edited by me personally in an elaborate process (no external image editor).
Your body can be sculpted and the complexion perfected. Cellulite, bruises, mosquito bites, pimples, etc. are removed without losing your natural appearance. Body shapes can also be optimized a little if desired. I offer digital body painting for body landscapes at no extra charge.
Of course, we discuss what should be optimized in the image processing and to what extent. Every photo editing has technical and stylistic limits. I pay attention to a well-dosed measure that corresponds to your personal type.
Nude photography is a matter of trust and requires the highest discretion. Especially persons of the such as actresses, musicians and professional professional athletes appreciate my discretion.
All data is treated with absolute confidentiality. The image processing is done by me personally, and not, as is common with some photographers to external service providers, e.g. in China or India.
No one except a possibly booked make-up artist learns from me that you have a photo shoot in my photo studio.
Selected photos will be encrypted and password protected for a short period of time in a safe or after delivery irrevocably deleted from my storage media. Not selected photos will be deleted directly.
Your photos will not be shown or published anywhere. For all photos, no matter where and in which form they will be shown, a a model release (release contract) has been concluded in advance.
"...Danke das mir deine Sichtweise gezeigt hast und das du den Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Tag gemacht hast, an den ich immer mit Freude zurück denken werde..."
"...Es gibt Dinge, die man einmal im Leben gemacht haben und sich gönnen sollte. Ein Fotoshooting bei Dir gehört definitiv dazu...."
"...Ich werde diesen Tag nie vergessen, und die Fotos zeigen mir immer wieder, wie ich von anderen gesehen werde. Sie helfen mir, Selbstzweifel wegzuwischen und geben mir ein große Portion Lebensfreude..."
"... Abgeschnitten vom Alltag und hineinsinken in eine andere Welt. Die Fotos sind wahre Kunstwerke..."
"... Ich hätte im Traum nicht gedacht, dass auch ich so hübsch bin oder einen solchen Körper habe wie seine abgebildeten Models, doch er hat es mit seinen unbearbeiteten Bildern gezeigt..."
"... Wir Frauen haben den größten Kritiker in uns. Ich kann natürlich nur von mir sprechen. Aber du schaffst es, dass dieser Kritiker auch mal Sendepause hat und hast mich mit einem wundervollen Gefühl nach Hause fahren lassen. .."
"... Du verstehst deine Leidenschaft nicht nur in Punkto Perfektion und Fachkompetenz, sondern vergisst das Menschliche dabei nicht. In meinen Augen erfüllst du einen höheren Zweck mit deiner Kunst. Einer davon: den Frauen, die Augen zu öffnen, wie schön sie sind..."
"... Das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist mehr als gerechtfertigt, vorallem wenn man bedenkt das man sowas wahrscheinlich nur einmal im Leben macht und dann möchte man ja auch richtig schöne Fotos und nicht zu irgendeinen Fotografen der Aktfotos neben Bewerbungs und Familienfotos macht ..."
"... Kristian kümmert sich ab der ersten bis zur letzten Sekunde nur um EUCH. Auch ohne Sekt und Schi Schi hast Du die ganze Zeit vollkommene Entspannung, Ruhe und Spaß. Nach dem Du die Fotos gesehen hast bist Du nur glücklich über das was Du hast und ein Streben nach mehr ist sinnlos. Die glücklichen Momente werden Dich noch ein Weilchen begleiten..."
"... Ich bin so froh das ich mich getraut habe! Es war eine einzigartige und wunderbare Erfahrung und vom Ergebnis bin ich überwältigt! Kristian hat es mir ganz leicht gemacht und durch diese angenehme Atmosphäre war es einfach nur ein toller Tag ..."
"...das Fotoshooting ist eine große Bereicherung für mein Leben. Ich habe mich neu entdecken und lieben gelernt und neues Selbstbewusstsein bekommen. Ich blicke zurück auf einen erlebnisreichen Tag, den Du so wundervoll gestaltet hast. Mit Deinem tollen Studio und Deiner lieben Art hast Du eine Atmosphäre geschaffen, die es selbst für mich als eher schüchternen Menschen ganz einfach gemacht hat ..."
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